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Telefon: +49 (0) 2173 101 45 95
Fax: +49 (0) 2173 101 45 99
Email: am-sicherheit@aguettant.de
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Aguettant Nordic - 2 Years in the Nordic Countries

At Aguettant Nordic, we believe that Ready To Use vials & Ready To Administer pre-filled syringes for precise dosages, is the solution for a lot of the challenges, our healthcare professionals are facing in the critical care treatments of patients.
Ready To Administer is helping increasing the safety of patients and healthcare professionals, reducing the workload of staff, minimising medicine waste and hospital expenses and reducing the environmental footprints in hospitals.
We are here to introduce our product range of medicines:
Ready To Administer pre-filled syringes & Ready To Use vials
At Aguettant Nordic, we believe that Ready To Use vials & Ready To Administer pre-filled syringes for precise dosages, is the solution for a lot of the challenges, our healthcare professionals are facing in the critical care treatments of patients.
Ready To Administer is helping to increase the safety of patients and healthcare professionals, reducing the workload of staff, minimising medicine waste and hospital expenses and reducing the environmental footprints in hospitals.
We are here to introduce our product range of medicines:
Ready To Administer pre-filled syringes & Ready To Use vials